Nowadays network control systems present a common approximation when connectivity is the issue to be solved based on time\r\ndelays coupling from external factors.However, this approach tends to be complex in terms of time delays. Therefore, it is necessary\r\nto study the behavior of the delays as well as the integration into differential equations of these bounded delays. The related\r\ntime delays needs to be known a priory but from a dynamic real-time behavior. To do so, the use of priority dynamic Priority\r\nexchange scheduling is performed. The objective of this paper is to show a way to tackle multiple time delays that are bounded\r\nand the dynamic response from real-time scheduling approximation. The related control law is designed considering fuzzy logic\r\napproximation for nonlinear time delays coupling, where the main advantage is the integration of this behavior through extended\r\nstate space representation keeping certain linear and bounded behavior and leading to a stable situation during events presentation\r\nby guaranteeing stability through Lyapunov.